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Introduction – Hello to family traveler to Tokyo

Hello I am Miyoko, Writer of this blog.

I’m pure Japanese, living in central Tokyo with my family.

Since I became mother, I start going out with my baby all around Tokyo, on sunny day or rainy day.

Being mom expand my view and gave me different perspective that I could not notice before.
– I start enjoying new Tokyo – A family friendly city Tokyo.

I also understand going out with baby/kids is quite big deal.
Need to prepare many stuffs(food, drinks diapers, toys, sunscreen etc.), information research in advance, scheduling lunch/nap timing, taking care of sudden cry, preparation of myself etc…
Not always on plan, struggled every time.

At the same time, I noticed that tourist with baby/kids from abroad are rapidly increasing.
I imagine it would be easier for them if I could give them my tips I’ve been learning from my experience…

This blog is a collection of “family friendly Tokyo” information which I believe it useful for mom and dad traveling Japan with their kids.

Like the mouth to mouth info from Japanese local mom-friend,
I hope your travel with little kids would be memorable one through those information.

Tokyo local guide blog for parents visiting Japan with children

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